Saturday, August 6, 2011

Writing Process Part 3: Inspiration

This is probably going to be the longest part of this section, because I take inspiration from so many video games, books, and movies (more so with the video games). Probably the first huge thing to inspire me was a very crappy and cheesy video game named Obscure: The Aftermath. This inspired my first short story The Revelation. The next group of things inspired me the most for my second story Wrath. When it came to music I was just getting into Lamb of God, and the first C.D. I bought of their's was Wrath, which means is pretty much the soundtrack of the Apocalypse. When it came to books, it was just a Gears of War book, I can't remember the name of it, but it was well written. Game wise it was pure Resident Evil 4 and Judge Dredd. I ended up playing the games more than writing, but the final project didn't completely suck. The current story, I'll See You When The Sun Sets has been five different versions, each carrying the same themes. For all of them the inspirations were as follows: Every Lamb of God song, Dead Rising 2, Dead Space, LA Noire, World Was Z, The Zombie Survival Guide, Dawn of the Dead, Zombieland, Zombie Diaries, Resident Evil 5, The Resident Evil Movie Series, and finally, Fallout 3. All of these put together, especially for part one with the stuff that happened in the dome, was inspired by the events at the start of Fallout 3. Zombies are a huge thing for me, but I realize that zombies can get old in my stories, cause I write it like a journal. So I am going to incorporate more things that go BUMP in the night. This will be in the form of most of the creatures from The Revelation minus a few that would not fit into a city environment. Thank you for your time and hopefully interest in the topic of how I write stuff. Have a rottingly wonderful day.

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