Friday, August 12, 2011

New Web Site, Buy Some of Our Merch

Get some new clothes for school from our web store, it is a SSL site, so it is safe. We have some interesting bloody stuff on there that you will love.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Daily News: January 3rd, 2013

Today was a day highlighted by pure chaos. The town center was turned into a slaughter house as fifty survivors were gunned down by a terrorist group calling themselves the Sons of the Spore. In total, forty five of the fifty survivors were gunned down by the group, while four were drug back to a unknown location. One person faked death and ran to our building. He had this to say

"They came out of nowhere, they said something in some weird foreign language and opened fire on us [name with held for legal reasons] was the first one hit. I fell to the ground and the two people in front of my fell on top of me and hid me from the gunfire." he takes a shaky breath. "They killed almost everyone, minus [names with held for legal reasons] and they drug them off somewhere." he began to sob and we stopped the interview there.

We have been locked into the building for our safety and have three military fire teams here. We will continue for as long as possible on our news posts, just please, everyone out there, stay safe and stay away from people in robes.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Daily News: January 2nd, 2013

January 2nd, 2013

Today we have news that almost all the world has been taken over by the rabid people, no being called zombies. At last report, a total of 87% of the world is now infected, the only places not are the islands of Hawaii, Madagascar, Australia, and Greenland. The United States, The United Kingdom, and Russia have initiated martial law to prevent further outbreaks. We have more shocking news as the mayor was found murdered at his home, with a single bullet to the head. Below we have the picture that was leaked to us by the police.

This comes as a shock to us, no services have been planned and his body has been reported as cremated. We will have more news as it is made available.

Daily News: January 1st, 2013

January 1st, 2013

On this, the first day of the new year, the world is slowly starting to fill with more and more violence. This year has been called the year of recovery for years, but so far it has been nothing but violence and death. Right now every major city in the world, from New York to Shanghai are reporting extremely violent riots, each having cases of cannibal attackers. In the town of Plato Missouri, the place has literally been infested by large groups of slow moving cannibals. The total death count is in the thousands with small groups of survivors hiding in boarded up businesses and homes. From the hospital we have shocking news, the fact that the attackers might not be living. I warn you, the pictures and what the doctor is saying might be very graphic, please don't allow children to read.

"From what has been observed of the rabid people that have been brought in is that they have been shot multiple times, some through the heart, but yet they continue to live." Says Doctor Albert Weaver. "They continue to live through the injury, and more surprising than that is the fact that when they are shot, they do not bleed, all their blood has clotted. We have a body over here that was attacked by the military and had several limbs removed along with its head, but there is no blood coming from the body. The blood on the walls is from a student who was shot earlier, that we could not save." he shows us the body. "Peculiar isn't it, that this thing, whatever it is, does not bleed. They only have on function, to feed."

This news comes at a shock as does the local college being enclosed in a giant dome. No new news is coming into us at this time as to what is going on, as soon as we have new news, we will have it on here.

Daily New: December 31, 2012

December 31, 2012

At exactly 8:23 p.m. today, a series of riots broke out in the small town of Plato Missouri. Police and local National Guard were called in to calm the riots. What happened later that night left most people stunned. Several grotesque looking men attacked and began to devour several of the police officers and other rioters. What happened next was the shocking part, the military opened fire on the crowd, killing a total of 79 people, and wounding a total of 56 people. A local police officer, Marcus Delany, had this to say.

"We didn't even realize what was going on around us, it just happened. The military was unloading in the crowd with all they had. Non of the police fired a shot, we just watched as the military slaughtered several innocent people."

At this time, there is no news as to why the riots started or why the military opened fire on the crowd. We hope to have more news on this as soon as possible. We do however know that the city is on lock down right now, and the hospital is packed with people.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Changes to the site since last night

There have been some changes made to this blog, the most significant is the poster is now also the author and there is now a link to to where you can buy books written by other zombie authors that inspired the author of this blog and other zombie based media. There are also gonna be more picture related blogs on here, along with news stories from 2013

How to build a devastating zombie killing weapon

One thing that is well known about the zombie plague is this, you will run out of ammo at some point, so you need a good zombie killing weapon. In this post, I will tell you how to build one that will help you the most: the sledgescyth. For this you will need five things:
1) A full size sledge hammer.
2) Two machetes
3) Industrial strength duct tape
4) Industrial Adhesive
5) A work bench

These are the steps for how to make it:
1) Take the sledge hammer and lay it on the table. Place the two machetes butt to butt, where there is a blade on either side of head, making a giant T if you look at it.
2) Use the industrial strength adhesive to secure the machetes to the sledgehammer. Then fully fasten with the duct tape.
3) Wait a hour before using to give the glue time to dry. Use this to clear huge waves of the undead with ease, this is all there is in this, one of the most devastating weapons in the world to use on single zombies.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Writing Process Part 3: Inspiration

This is probably going to be the longest part of this section, because I take inspiration from so many video games, books, and movies (more so with the video games). Probably the first huge thing to inspire me was a very crappy and cheesy video game named Obscure: The Aftermath. This inspired my first short story The Revelation. The next group of things inspired me the most for my second story Wrath. When it came to music I was just getting into Lamb of God, and the first C.D. I bought of their's was Wrath, which means is pretty much the soundtrack of the Apocalypse. When it came to books, it was just a Gears of War book, I can't remember the name of it, but it was well written. Game wise it was pure Resident Evil 4 and Judge Dredd. I ended up playing the games more than writing, but the final project didn't completely suck. The current story, I'll See You When The Sun Sets has been five different versions, each carrying the same themes. For all of them the inspirations were as follows: Every Lamb of God song, Dead Rising 2, Dead Space, LA Noire, World Was Z, The Zombie Survival Guide, Dawn of the Dead, Zombieland, Zombie Diaries, Resident Evil 5, The Resident Evil Movie Series, and finally, Fallout 3. All of these put together, especially for part one with the stuff that happened in the dome, was inspired by the events at the start of Fallout 3. Zombies are a huge thing for me, but I realize that zombies can get old in my stories, cause I write it like a journal. So I am going to incorporate more things that go BUMP in the night. This will be in the form of most of the creatures from The Revelation minus a few that would not fit into a city environment. Thank you for your time and hopefully interest in the topic of how I write stuff. Have a rottingly wonderful day.

Writing Process Part 2: The Characters

The characters in this story are ones that I take off of people I know. Take the first two main characters, Tabitha and Zack Cent. Tabitha Cent is taken off of one of my best friends Tabitha Allen, who has been the inspiration for two characters in the story, the sister Tabitha, and in a short story I did for school Ayama. The character I took several of the quirks I have seen from Tabitha and put it into the character. There are a few things that she does not agree with at all, that she is very verbal about. The character Zack Cent I take off myself and my friend from school everyone called mini-me. I have a huge list of fears that get in my way, and I take some of those and try to make moments that will happen later on be scarier. The character Krystal Watts I have taken off of two people also, my good friend Crystal from school and my ex girlfriend, I will leave her name out of this cause I know she will have a fit about not being asked. She was a god horrible girl friend, but what happened was I came up with the idea to have the other female in the first part to be the main characters ex girl friend. I am gonna probably get some flack if any of the people from my school read this, but modeled Professor Asland after two people, my high school principle and my favorite history teacher, each had a lot to do with me and from the way I was thinking, I had a image of the two combined in my head. My friend Nathan Evermore is the inspiration for Fred, they act the same for the most part, vague as all get out and kinda shady without a whole lot of info.The Three other characters that were added in chapter seven, Marcus, Wade, and Ethan, are some of my more favorite to write about. Marcus is taken off of my friend Victor Delany, who is pretty much the same kind of person. Wade is the standard pot head and pizza boy that all horror should have. And Ethan came from one big inspiration, the bartender at the start of Resident Evil Outbreak File 1. Yeah, I love that game and it inspired me so much. Those are the main characters at this point, there will be a second part of this if there is any more characters introduced.

Writing Process Part 1: How I Write

I have decided to put some of the things I do when writing on here, so in this part I decided to put how I write, so if you wonder why the stories are kinda rushed, this will hopefully explain it. Basically my writing process into three parts, Inspiration, The Rough Draft, The Typed Rough Draft, and The Final Copy. I am gonna have a full article about my writing process, but in this I will talk about the other areas. I start by taking my ideas and writing them down in a notebook in story form. From here I do it chapter by chapter, which in my story is usually day by day basis. I usually make very large spelling mistakes and even parts that I completely take out. Those parts are usually senseless talking between Tabitha and Zack. From there I type the rough draft on here for people to read and give me feed back. That is as far as I have gotten so far into this, I hope to have more promising work on here. Thank you for your time.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Chapter 7

Tabitha jerked awake to the screams coming from the front room. She snuck in and fell to the ground in time to dodge a bullet.
     Krystal was shooting at a large group of the freaks. They were grey, and covered in rotting flesh, the smell made Tabitha gag. The protector that was with Krystal was laying dead on the floor, a group of the freaks were eating her. Krystal pointed at the window.
     “Run, Tabitha!” she said and dragged her to the window. “Get down the fire escape, I’ll be down right behind you.”
     Tabitha started to climb when she looked and saw me run up to the base of the ladder.
     “Tabitha!” I yelled and motioned for her to get down. “Come on! We need to get out of here!.”
     She slid down the ladder and I caught her on the way down. Krystal was fighting with one of the creatures, and I saw that she was missing several pieces of flesh. She looked back and shook her head at me and I started to run off, dragging Tabitha with me.
     “Come on Tabitha!” I said and motioned for her to follow me.
     She resisted. “NO!” she yelled. “We are waiting for Krystal.”
     I picked her up, it was all I could think to do. She was screaming at me and kicking me as hard as she could. And explosion rocked the area and she went completely still. She was just staring back at were the apartments used to be.
     We got to the vehicle depot and saw that there was only one vehicle left, a two seat jeep. I set her down in the passenger seat and strapped her in. I hot wired the vehicle and we took off towards the front gate. I ran over a couple of the freaks on the way out.
     We got outside the dome and we could see the gate was closing. The giant screen outside turned on and Fred was on the screen. He was covered in blood and he looked near death.
     “Sanction is lost.” he sobbed. “Everyone who got out.” he paused and smiled. “And Zack and Tabitha, be safe.” he said and turned off the screen.
     We pulled up to the bar and saw that it was the only place that still had power. Tabitha followed me in and I had her hide behind a display they had set up.
     “Hello?” I yelled and I heard someone start to come down.
     He got to where I could see him. He was tall, maybe six feet tall. He was wearing a bartender outfit for a bar that was on the other side of town. He had a huge revolver pointed at me.
     “Who the hell are you?” he said and walked closer to me.
     “Ethan?” I heard Tabitha say as she came out from behind the display.
    “Tabitha?” he said and took a closer look at me. “Shit Zack, I didn’t recognize you.”
     “It’s all good Ethan.” I said and walked up to the top floor.
     Two men were playing poker up there. One, the tall black cap, was the clear winner, while the guy in the baseball cap was holding the cards the wrong way.
     “You guys!” Ethan said and pointed at us. “Got two old uninfected friends here.” he said and pointed at our eyes. “They have the immunity thing that lady we ran into was talking about.”
     The police officer stood up. “Guess we got a couple more survivors here.” he shook my hand. :Marcus Delany, police. That dude in the baseball hat is Wade.” we looked and saw that he was trying to read a book upside down. “He ain’t playin with a full deck of cards.”
     He sat back down and pointed at a queen size bed. “That is the only free one we have. Hope you both don’t mind sharing.?
     I sat down and took off my boots. Tabitha laid down and was asleep before she hit the pillow. I stood back up and walked over to Marcus.
     “How did you guys get here?” I asked and sat in front of him.
    He smiled and began to talk.

Chapter 6

 Me and Fred snuck up on the first guard tower. He motioned to a lone guard patrolling the parameter.
     “Here.” he handed me a strange object. “Strangle him with this while I pick the lock to the door.”
     I grabbed the wooden handles. one in each hand, and pulled the string in the middle taunt. I followed the guard to a alley and I quickly put the cord around his neck, tightening it as much as I could.
     The guard struggled for a second and I saw that he was trying to get a finger in so he could yell for help. I turned backwards, using as much force as I could to strangle him. The force I used was so great that the cord cut the guards head off, blood spraying the side of the tower. I carried the body to a near by dumpster and I hid it in there. I walked back and kicked the head into the bush.
     I walked back to the door and saw that Fred was still picking it. “Fuck it.” He said and kicked the door near the lock. The wood splintered and the door was able to be opened. We both drew a silenced pistol and went in.
     There was a lone guard sitting in a chair, fast asleep. Fred snuck over to the man and in one swift motion, covered the man’s mouth and tore his throat out with a combat knife. He hid the body and motioned for me to hide.
     Two guards came in, joking about some girls they had fun with earlier that day. Fred came over to me and pointed at one of them.
     “You take the one on the left.” he said and aimed at one of them.
     We both fired and hit the same person. Fred cussed and threw his knife at the other guard, hitting him in the back of the skull.
     “Damn it Zack.” he whispered at me and pulled the knife out of the back of the man’s head. “When we get back I am teaching you to tell right from left.”
     We snuck the rest of the way to the guard room. Inside we could see one man at the control board with the controls to the whole place. We stepped in and saw that it was the professor.
     “Yo professor!” I yelled. “What are you doing here?”
     He turned to us and I saw that he was gray skinned with yellow eyes. Fred went wide eyed and fired at him. “You piece of shit mother......” was all he could get out before he was impaled by one of the claws coming out of the professor’s back.
     Fred dropped to the ground as he pressed one of the buttons, opening all the doors leading to the outside world. I heard a chorus of moans echo in the dome as legions of the freaks came in. Fred fired at him again, this time hitting him in the center of his chest.
     He removed his shirt and I saw that he was missing all organs and flesh up to his shoulders. His ribs had grown larger, and he used one of gore Fred again. I saw Fred try to raise his arms to fire, and managed to hit him where his heart should be.
     “Get out of here, RUN!” he yelled and fired again. “I can’t hold him off for long.”
     I ran, grabbing a shotgun off of the wall. I got outside in time to hear a explosion rock the control room. I looked around and saw the full chaos of what was happening outside.

Chapter 5

     We were watching T.V. when we heard a loud bang at the door. Krystal ran and hid the two books as I went to open the front door. As soon as she was out of site in my room I opened the door.
     It was one of the Sanction security officers. He looked at me. "Is everything alright here?" he said and stepped into the apartment. "A Ms. Krystal Watts was not seen as to coming out of the apartment for a while."
    "Yes sir." I said and looked at him. "My sister and her were having a sleep over last night. I was trying to sleep, but they were watching movies all night that kept me up. That is why she didn't go home last night." I lied and looked away from him.
     "Well, that seems logical." He said and took one last look around the apartment. He saw Tabitha and stared at her. He drew his gun and pointed it at her. "Why in the fuck is there one of those things in here?" he said and I could hear the safety get flipped off.
     What happened next was a blur. I reached and grabbed a vase that was sitting on the table by the door. I smashed it against his head and he fell to the ground. I started kicking him until Krystal yelled at me. I grabbed his gun and kept it pointed at him.
     Krystal came in with the silenced gun from the hollowed out book. "Why the hell is he here?" she asked and handcuffed him.
     "He said that it was because he didn't see you come out of here for a while." I said and rammed the front of the gun into his face. "And then this guy was about to shoot Tabitha."
     "Zack!" she said and lowered the gun I was pointing at him. "We can use this to our advantage." she said and moved her head in the direction of the bathroom. "We could get some info outta them and then I can get a cleaning party out here to get him." She handed Tabitha his radio. "If you hear about anyone else coming, tell us."
     We dragged the officer into the bathroom. She motioned me to lock the door behind us. I heard Tabitha raise the volume on the T.V.
     I grabbed him by the throat. "Who made the call that tipped us off?" Krystal yelled at him.
     "I ain't saying." he said and spat into my face.
     She walked over the the mirror and smashed it. She took a shard over to him. "Zack, hold his mouth open."
     I paused and then finally did what she said. I forced his mouth open and she put the shard of glass into his mouth.
     "Wont talk huh?" she said and punched him. I heard the shard of glass break and he screamed in pain.
     He started to spit out the shards of glass, but before he could get them all out, Krystal grabbed him by the throat. "Now, who told you?"
     "A man who used to be in this terrorist group called the protectors." he spat some more. "I literally don't know the name, he has never told us."
     Krystal nodded and handed me the silenced pistol. "Between the eyes Zack, we can't trust him. As soon as he gets out of here, he will get a army after us." she looked me in the eyes. "Do it."
     I held the gun and looked at the man. My hand was shaking as I pointed it at him. "Please." he begged. "Don't I won't tell, I swear."
     "Remember." Krystal said and looked at me. "He was gonna shoot Tabitha."
     I grabbed him by the throat and pistol whipped him. "Why in the hell were you gonna shoot Tabitha?"
     "She is a immune." he said as blood was pouring out of his mouth. "Her kind carries the infection in their blood, if anyone gets it into their blood stream, they become infected. She is a monster that needs to be destroyed."
     I pulled the trigger, hitting him in the right eye. It came out the other side of his head and it sprayed the tub with blood, bits of skull, and brain matter. I gagged and threw up in the sink.
     I came out a few minutes later and saw that Tabitha had her stuff packed up. "Krystal told me to pack my stuff, I am gonna stay with her for a while till what happened in there gets cleaned up."
     Krystal looked at me. "There is a couple of protectors coming to clean up, and they are doing an investigation to find out who ratted us out." she said and looked at the table. Fred was sitting reading the plan. "He is here to take you to the hide out."
     Tabitha ran over and hugged me. "Be safe brother." she said and walked with Krystal up the fire escape.
     The protector team came in and Fred shook his head at me. "damn Zack, didn't know you had it in you." he said and he handed me the book. "I just can't believe we have a traitor in our midst." he looked at me and smiled. "Don't worry, Krystal and another protector, Victoria, will keep her safe."
     I nodded and we walked out, hearing the clean up team doing something to the body in the bathroom. We got out of the building and he heard a squeal over the radio.
     "This is Fred, who is this?" he said and motioned for me to stop.
     "It is professor Asland." the voice said. "We are moving the operation to tonight. We are compromised if we wait."
     "Yes sir." he said and turned to me. "Okay Zack, follow me." he said and we ran towards the guard tower closest to us.